Residential Services Rates
Cart Container Sizes
20 Gallon Container
Deep: 18.0”
Tall: 32.6”

32 Gallon Container
Deep: 22.25”
Tall: 38.5”

64 Gallon Container
Deep: 26.375”
Tall: 42.125”

96 Gallon Container
Deep: 26.375”
Tall: 46.375”

Basic Weekly Collection*
Container Size | Monthly Rate | Backyard or Sideyard Monthly Rate |
20-gallon Solid Waste Cart* | $33.97 | $41.81 |
32-gallon Solid Waste Cart* | $44.60 | $63.00 |
64-gallon Solid Waste Cart* | $66.26 | $103.73 |
96-gallon Solid Waste Cart* | $103.47 | $162.51 |
*Rate is based on size of Garbage cart but includes one 96-gallon cart for Organics and one 96-gallon cart for Recyclables. Customers can request smaller cart sizes for organics and/or recyclables; however, the quarterly rate will be the same as listed above.** Backyard/side yard service is provided on request to all residents at the rates listed above. Contact us to sign up. Residents with disabilities may apply to receive this service free of charge; a form is required
Additional Carts
Container Size | Curbside Monthly Rate | Backyard or Sideyard Monthly Service |
32-gallon Solid Waste Cart | $39.70 | $58.72 |
64-gallon Solid Waste Cart | $72.82 | $109.67 |
96-gallon Solid Waste Cart | $106.75 | $161.78 |
* Rate also includes one 96-gallon cart for Organics and one 96-gallon cart for Recyclables. Customers can request smaller cart sizes for organics and/or recyclables; however, the quarterly rate will be the same as listed above.
Income-Based Program* – Basic Monthly Collection Service
Container Size | Curbside Monthly Rate |
20-gallon Solid Waste Cart** | $33.97 |
32-gallon Solid Waste Cart** | $33.97 |
64-gallon Solid Waste Cart** | $33.97 |
*Must qualify and participate in Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Alternate Rate for Energy (CARE) Program. Contact us to apply; a form is required.
Rates for Bulky Items and E-Waste On-Call Pick-Up Service*
Material Type | Examples | Rate Per Pickup |
E-Waste | Cell Phones, CPUs, Monitors, Copiers, Fax Machines, Laptops, Mouse, Keyboards, Printers, Televisions, Radios, Stereos, Speakers, Telephones, VCRs, DVDs, and Camcorders | $29.17 |
Major Appliances | Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Freezers any items containing oil, fuel or Freon | $145.87 |
Bulky Items | All other large items Bathtubs, furniture, bicycles used exercise equipment beds, box springs, tires etc. | $72.94 |
* There is no charge for cell phones collected through the curbside program, or for e-waste/appliances collected through the Cleanup Program.
Miscellaneous Services
Service | Description | Rate of Occurrence |
Handy Hauler Service (4 Cubic Yard Bin; Temp-orary Use) | Per placement and removal of 4 cubic yard bin provided for occasional use | $187.39 |
Rate for rental of 4 cubic yard bin in excess of 7 days | $36.75 | |
Per pull and return of 4 cubic yard bin (pull and return involves the collection of solid waste at the premises and leaving the empty handy hauler on the premises) | $134.90 | |
Cart Replacement | Charge if customer requires cart replacement in excess of one replacement per year at no cost for each instance of container replacement related to service level changes due to delinquent payment, damage or theft. | $97.95 |
Trip Charge | If driver must return due to Resident error, such as failure to place Cart Curbside before Collection time, overfilled Cart, incorrect Cart placement, contaminated materials | $16.97 |
Cart Delivery / Pick-Up | Cart delivery/pick-up (charge if Customer requests a change in Cart size more than once per year) | $16.97 |
Organic Overage | Company supplied Kraft bag paid for in advance | $11.68 |
Organic Overage | Customer supplied Kraft Bag | $7.29 |
* Handy Hauler service is recommended for residents who have already used or are not eligible to use the Cleanup Program.